

タイトル一覧: 稼働状態

mySQL error with query SELECT DISTINCT(i.inumber) as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed, c.cname as category FROM (nucleus_item as i, nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_blog as b) LEFT JOIN nucleus_plug_multiple_categories as p ON i.inumber=p.item_id WHERE i.iauthor=m.mnumber and i.icat=c.catid and i.idraft=0 and i.iblog=10 and ((i.inumber=p.item_id and (p.categories REGEXP "(^|,)78(,|$)" or i.icat=78)) or (p.item_id IS NULL and i.icat=78)) and p.subcategories REGEXP "(^|,)90(,|$)" and i.itime<="2024-04-24 01:05:12" and b.bnumber = c.cblog ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -2,50: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '-2,50' at line 1